Manufacturing Execution System(MES) is a complete software tool to guarantee quality and productivity in the industry. This software tool brings a comprehensive monitoring system and control for manufacturing, which you can track and control the process of production, materials, and factory operations.

In today’s manufacturing industry, the product quality and the material management to come up with best-selling products are essential. MES software comes to help manufacturers monitor machines easily and improve the operations on the factory floor.

Manufacturing Execution System works at the operations management level in the industry, and it’s a dynamic information system that includes all the data needed from the order entry to the last stage of delivery.

Also, These software tools in manufacturing can connect to other systems such as the supply chain to address them and provide a seamless and connected system.

  • According to Statistics, the global manufacturing software market will grow at 8.3% CAGR from 2021 to 2026. This will significantly affect automation and high productivity in the manufacturing industry. Global market value is expected to increase from 11.5 billion dollars to 17.5 billion dollars in 2026. 

[Source: MarketsAndMarkets]


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Digital Transformation and Its Offers

Manufacturing Execution System

Digital transformation is going to be a robust capability for the manufacturing industry, and it offers exceptional solutions for business and production challenges. If you consider the stats throughout the internet, the future of manufacturing is tied up with digitalization and Artificial Intelligence. 

  • Surveys, say most enterprises and even startups have designed their digital transformation strategy, and the companies who have adopted digital transformation techniques will account for more than half (53.3 trillion dollars) of the global nominal GDP by 2023.

All statistics and surveys indicate the importance of digital transformation in manufacturing and industry. Hopefully, the long-awaited solutions for industry problems can be easily provided using various digital transformation and custom software development methods.

What Is a Manufacturing Execution System?

Manufacturing Execution System

Advanced manufacturing needs reliable data and information about resources, products, and machinery in factories. From the technical view, an MES is a software that connects the manufacturing equipment and centers and provides an advanced system to achieve efficiency.

You can use the Manufacturing Execution System to monitor the raw materials and make sure of efficient operations on the factory floor. This software plays a key role after shop floor software tools in an organization, and it manages all the operations with a data-driven method.

You can use the Manufacturing Execution System to monitor data that come from different sectors and equipment in a factory, and more importantly, you can apply your data to the system.

In a nutshell, resource planning is the first step to start a manufacturing process. But, after providing raw materials, what can manage and control the resources and process to achieve a qualified product? This is when the MES comes to help manufacturers use their resources, materials, and workforce in the best possible manner with data-driven approaches.

Manufacturing Software Works for All Industries

Manufacturing Execution System

You can think of Manufacturing Execution Systems as a linker between ERP and Shop floor software tools. ERP brings highly optimized methods for planning and logistics in the manufacturing industry, and Shop floor software helps to manage orders and scheduling processes.

But Execution software in the industry focuses on operation management that you can implement in various industries to improve process quality and efficiency.

  • ERP: Enterprise planning and logistics
  • MES: Factory floor management and control
  • SCADA: Supervision over factory and machines
  • PLC: Control and automation
  • Sensors and other elements: Field level for reading/writing information


A powerful and stable Manufacturing Execution system can be implemented in several industries and sectors. It depends on your company requirements and business needs in the case of software customization and added features. You can determine your plans and goals, and the MES software can be optimized and customized according to them. 

A complete software tool includes data collection features, presentation capability, workflow, and process control. Hopefully, you can add all your desired packages and features to the software and have entirely customized software.

Benefits of Manufacturing Execution Systems

Manufacturing Execution System

Manufacturing software and MES tools have long-term benefits for the industry, and they offer more cost savings and rapid operations. You can rely on digital transformation tools to get better compliance and flexibility in your company and perform workloads more precisely.

Here are only a few benefits of using modern digital tools with manufacturing software in the manufacturing industry:

  • Reduced manufacturing and production time
  • On-time data monitoring and analytics
  • Instant decision making
  • Efficient use of materials and resources
  • Increased product quality
  • Improved planning process
  • Better customer service
  • Capability to add more software packages and features if required
  • Practical methods to add and track product standards in a data-driven manner
  • Lower production and management costs
  • Comprehensive control over all elements of the factory and work centers

Full Functions of Manufacturing Execution System and MES Advantages

Manufacturing Execution System

A robust and optimized software can manage all the sectors and manufacturing processes. More importantly, you can order more capabilities according to your needs. The software packages that add to the features of the Manufacturing Execution System help you have more opportunities and innovation.

Here are the standard features that you can get using these types of software:

  • Resource and material management
  • Operational process management
  • Performance analysis
  • Quality control
  • Data collection and monitoring
  • Operation scheduling
  • Labor and workforce management
  • Product tracking and genealogy
  • Maintenance
  • Document control

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Can You Order the Desired Software Modules?

Manufacturing Execution System

A customized software package includes all the components and elements for the manufacturing industry. You can arrange all your needs and list them to be provided in the software. Custom software development offers bundled modules, and you can order at any time you need to expand your software features and make management procedures comprehensive.

Maybe, there is a need for more features and options over time for Manufacturing Execution systems in a specific industry. So, you can start with a standard plan, and in the case of market and business expansion, the added features are available.


Manufacturing Execution System

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP systems have a different role compared to MES software tools. ERPs focus on planning and logistics and offer a free flow system for organizations. ERPs connect different parts of organizations and enterprises, and it acts as the brain of your company.

But, you need a separate part for manufacturing that manages the operations practically and improves product quality, called the Manufacturing Execution System.

Also, the purpose of collecting data and applying them to the system is another difference between these digital transformation tools. Manufacturing Exc. software collects data and information instantly and uses them intelligently to improve efficiency and productivity.

Altogether, Manufacturing Executions Systems provide useful and instant data from the sectors that offer more efficiency of operations, and it’s the main part that complements the ERP.

Custom Software Development Company: Why Choose DeljooSoft?

Manufacturing Execution System

DeljooSoft uses different technologies and software tools to provide a complete system that works seamlessly and manages all the operational tasks in the manufacturing industry. We offer manufacturing software tools that are completely customized and optimized according to your company’s needs.

Best MES software tools can provide all the features you need to manage and control the operations in manufacturing. Indeed, digital transformation software development makes it possible to customize the software entirely and add more features if required in the future.

DeljooSoft software development services provide a comprehensive methodology to modernize your systems and enhance product quality and ROI rates.

Our Portfolio

Manufacturing Execution System

DeljooSoft has helped industry-level companies with MES software. Our custom application development services are based on cutting-edge technologies, and with our 15 years of experience in the software development industry, our experts provide reliable solutions for your company. 

MES software solutions are highly customizable according to the requirements, and with our expertise in the software development and manufacturing industry, software solutions can be highly scalable to meet the business and manufacturing goals.


Manufacturing Execution System

The manufacturing Execution System will seamlessly manage and control manufacturing operations at the factory level. By using a complete software package, you can achieve all the data analytics, process control, data monitoring, and maintenance goals. Also, we can provide you with more features if you need more extra options delivered in your software and applications.

By filling out the below section, you can contact our experts and find out more about our custom software development services. You can now own your dedicated software system to manage workloads conveniently.

Our Custom Software development Services

Manufacturing Execution System

Custom software development services have unique options and use new technologies. Data collection approaches, product line monitoring, process optimization, and performance tracking are just a few benefits of the Manufacturing Execution System that many other features and options can be added to get more extended advantages.

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