Conversion rates are the main goals for marketers when spending on SEO and optimization techniques. SEO conversion is a process in which we want to achieve a specific goal.

You can define your goal to increase product sales or subscribe to a newsletter. SEO practices help you reach out these goals, and without website optimization, your marketing strategies, including paid ads, don’t lead to defined goals.

In This Article You Will Read:


Different Types of Conversions in Online Marketing

Different Types of Conversions in Online Marketing

Every goal in website marketing can be counted as a conversion. You can set your goal to calculate the number of website visitors, so every website click will increase the conversion rate.
In addition, here are some of the common goals that search engine optimization helps us improve them:

  • Visitors of a specific page
  • Subscribers of the website newsletter
  • Conversion of visitors to buyers
  • Conversion of website visitors who want to call the company

How to Calculate SEO Conversion Rate

How to Calculate Conversion Rate

Typically, the SEO conversion rate is calculated as a percentage. The main ratio can be the number of checkouts divided by all visitors multiplied by 100. For example: An E-commerce website has 100 visitors, and 1 person buys a product.

If we set our conversion goal to the number of buyers per 100 visitors, then the conversion rate is calculated as follows:

  • 1 action / 100 visitors * 100 = 1%

SEO conversion can be different for every E-commerce company according to their defined goals and products. But, after conversion rate optimization, a company can make the best of its marketing strategy.

The conversion rate depends on many factors, but we assume 1% to 4% as a good rate.  As you can see in the below list, the average conversion rate varies depending on multiple factors:

  • Defined goals such as newsletter signups, checkouts, calls, and page visits
  • Audiences and visitors
  • Products and prices

Why Does SEO Lead to More Sales?

Why Does SEO Lead to More Sales?

Spending on SEO conversion always leads to more organic traffic and a better conversion rate. In 2021, 68% of online experiences, including purchases and signups, started with search engine traffic.

More importantly, more than 92% of global traffic comes from Google services such as Google search engine, Google images, and Google Maps. SEO practices focus on user experience first and customer behaviors. More specifically, we optimize for a better user experience, and the main goal is to provide optimized web pages that convert.

We consider the following techniques and methodologies for SEO that you can not achieve your online marketing goals without taking them into account:

  • User-friendly service pages and landing pages
  • UX optimization
  • Content optimization (easy to read and understand)
  • Image optimization
  • Page load speed

There might be a doubt that paid ads and online advertising work better than SEO for businesses. Paid ad is a trusted method of increasing website traffic, but it is immature without optimizing your website for a better user experience.

  • This is an essential part of your online marketing to optimize websites and improve their quality regularly, even if you want to perform paid ad campaigns or use other methods.

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How to Improve the Conversion Rate With SEO?

How to Improve the Conversion Rate With SEO?

SEO conversion and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) work together to improve your website’s user experience and increase sales.

  • If you optimize the website for users, it will organically get better rankings and generate better marketing metrics.

Providing user-friendly websites and dynamic content can be the primary strategy for digital marketers to improve SEO conversion. Dynamic content provides a better user experience for users based on their locations.  More importantly, your website design considering audiences are essential to improve marketing metrics.

Here, we plan to enhance website performance technically to make the load speed better.
Using visual content always helps B2B and B2C businesses, and this is one technique that produces multiple results. B2B website conversions depend on providing comprehensive content for your clients, and visual content plays an important role in this case.


Organic Traffic and SEO: Why Choose DeljooSoft?

Organic Traffic and SEO: Why Choose DeljooSoft?

According to digital marketing experts, SEO doesn’t focus on optimizing for search engines, but its main focus is to provide a better UI and UX. As a result of CRO and SEO, you will notice your website appear on the first page of search engines and drive more organic traffic.

So, the
benefits of search engine optimization you can get will be long-term and efficient. DeljooSoft Inc. is a full service marketing agency, providing you with web design, SEO, and content writing services. We develop your online marketing strategy based on your business, audiences, and final goals.

We believe in developing better user experiences with optimization techniques that produce long-term benefits and increase customer engagement.


Our Portfolio

Our Portfolio

DeljooSoft delivers comprehensive services for online marketing. You can read more in our portfolio and start with a sleek website design that fits your business needs.

Our digital marketing and web design experts have designed online marketing strategies for different industries, including manufacturing, finances, and real estate companies. With over 20 years of experience, we offer our professional services that boost your website traffic and online sales.




SEO conversion is one of the main goals for digital marketers when they start optimization processes. Improving conversion rates for B2B and B2C websites highly depends on optimizing UI, UX, and website content that many companies may ignore these factors.

To get started with our services, you can contact our digital marketing experts for the best recommendations. We are ready to help you design the best strategy that works well for your business. 

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Our SEO and Content Writing Services

Our SEO and Content Writing Services

SEO and content writing services get you to the next level of online marketing and E-commerce. Optimizing a website is an inseparable part of online marketing, and SEO conversion rate arises if you consider customer experience methodologies.